

  • - The most competitive oven in the market.
  • - The only oven in the market with this size, and sets us apart from our competitors, it has built a manifold internal oils and fats, and therefore the option of cooking grills with grooved; to cook chicken, chorizo, etc ... without fear of flames and fire burning food.
  • - The first oven with PIRACOLD system (patented), This oven design is made with the purpose of not let it get extreme hot temperatures.
  • - Coal last 20$ longerque than a common oven . SAVING ENERGY AND COAL.
  • - Up to 6 levels de cooking. Cooking with several racks at the same time

Other PIRA features

  • - Glass door resistant up to 750 ° C; It allows the chef to control the cooking without opening the door. The chef opens the door less and less energy and coal is spent.
  • - It has built-in internal air regulator and the internal firewall. If the external option is required it is possible too.